What is Sikuli ?

Sikuli is an open-source automation testing tool that uses image recognition technology to automate graphical user interface (GUI) interactions. It allows users to automate tasks by using screenshots of the GUI elements rather than depend on specific identifiers or code.

Sikuli is a “Graphical User Interface (GUI)” Automation Testing Tool.

Sikuli Automates anything You see on the Screen using the “Image recognition method” to identify the “GUI Elements/Components”.

Sikuli can be used to Automate “Desktop Applications, Window, Adobe/Audio/Video/players, Flash, Flex objects, Games Website objects, Google Maps,  Windows Applications, Web Application and more..”

Sikuli can be easily integrated with Selenium and all other automation Tools.

It is a simple API, it makes coding easier. It provides a very friendly Sikuli script  API jar.

We are testing an application under development and you don’t know the Locatores(id,name,cssSelector and xpath) of the elements, then you can go with Sikuli. It will check the appearance of the Image and if image match is found, it will be intact with the Image accordingly.

Main key features of Sikuli include:

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